Double Bucket Baby Swing Set Bravo Junior

Swinging game, the swinging of this swing is soothing and also develops the powers of balance and co-ordination.

SKU 80187 Category

Additional Information

HDPE plates.
Steel tubes painted with thermo-lacquered polyester paint.
By means of anchoring and bolts.

Recommended age for use:
For children from 1 year of age.

Capacity: 2 children.

Safety zone surface:
6.90 x 3.05 m.
Free fall height:
1,14 m.
Total mass of the largest piece:
2.41 x 0.21 x 0.18 m. Tube beam.
Overall dimensions of the set:
Length: 3.03 m; Height: 2.06 m: Width: 1.37 m.
Total weight of the heaviest piece:
26 kg.
Total weight of the set:
61 kg.

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