Elf Village

Compact game in the shape of a hut. The game is suitable for small children for role-playing and relationship games. Inside it contains two seats. Includes two play panels.

SKU 81365 Categories ,

Additional Information

Coloured HDPE boards. Phenolic board. Stainless steel sheet and
galvanised sheet and tube.
By means of anchor bolts.

Recommended age for use:
For children from 1 year of age.

1-20 Users

Falling space:
9.10 x 6.40 m.
Free fall height:
92 cm.
Dimensions of the largest piece:
200x44x48 cm. (Lowering slide).
Overall dimensions of the set:
Length: 6.097 m; Height: 2.422 m; Width: 4.461 m.
Approximate weight of the set:
— kg.

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