Plastic Fence (Polyethylene)

Polyethylene fence, billed per linear metre. Minimum section to be invoiced: 1.9 m. (Posts are sold separately). This product is made up of the following references:

  • Ref. 80377 Linear metre Polyethylene fence 15 mm (reference for TÜV Certificate 80132).
  • Ref. 80862 Polyethylene fence starting post.
  • Ref. 80863 Polyethylene fence extension post.
  • Ref. 80864 Polyethylene fence corner post.



SKU 80377 - 80862 - 80863 - 80864 (TÜV 80132) Category

– Posts ø100 mm, Beams 50×30 mm, Polyethylene slats.
– Galvanised tube uprights 50×30 mm oven-painted.
– Polyethylene slats 880x120x15 mm.
– Anchored to the ground by means of expansion plugs.

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