Individual Bucket Baby Swing Set

One-seater swing with cradle seat. Possibility to change the trim: shell, chicken, monkey, flower or butterfly. Swinging game, the swinging of this swing is soothing and also develops the powers of balance and coordination.

SKU 81240 Category

Additional information

Plates of hpl or hdpe.
Galvanised steel tube.
Autoclave-treated wooden posts.
By means of anchoring and bolts.

Recommended age for use:
For children from 1 year of age.

Capacity 1 child.

Safety zone surface area:
12,66 m2.
Free fall height:
1,062 m.
Total mass of the largest piece:
1.95 x 0.32 x 0.18 m.
Overall dimensions of the set:
Length: 2.50 m; Height: 1.99 m; Width: 1.58 m.
Total weight of the heaviest piece:
— Kg.
Total weight of the set:
— kg.

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