Pull-up Bars

This fitness equipment strengthens upper body muscles, including shoulders, back, elbows, wrists and fingers.

SKU 80908 Category

Product manufactured from galvanised steel tube. The sheet metal
and the rest of the metal parts are zinc-plated. Final coating
with primer and baked polyester paint. Plastic parts made of
polyethylene/polyamide. All this gives it a special quality for outdoor and public use.
outdoor use and public spaces.
Dimensions: 1195x1195x2391 mm. Movement area: 4195×4195 mm.
Approximate weight: 58 kg.
Strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs, shoulders and back.
and back, strengthening shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.
How to use:
Hold on to the bar which suits you best
height, doing push-ups slowly.
Equipment intended only for young people and adults
or persons over 1.4 m tall.
Before using this equipment, consider your medical fitness.
medical fitness.
Avoid overexertion while using the equipment.

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