Ladybug Playground

Compact ladybug-shaped playground that consists of a climbing wall, sliding poles in the shape of antennas, a climbing ramp, two platforms at different levels, an inner cabin with a bench to sit on and a crawling tunnel.

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SKU 81221 Category


Manufacturing Materials

  • Red, black and white HPL panels.
  • Steel exterior with red thermo-lacquered polyester paint.
  • Autoclave-treated wooden platform.
  • Climbing wall made of sheet metal and black SBR rubber.
  • Composite climbing holds.


It’s secured to the ground using anchor bolts.

Additional info

Recommended age of use

2-10 years old

6-10 Users

Minimum drop zone

730×538 cm.

Free fall height

163 cm.

Overall dimensions

414x221x356 cm.

Approx. total weight

550 kg.

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