Pedal Exerciser

This fitness equipment strengthens cardiac and pulmonary function. It also develops leg and hip muscles, and improves flexibility, coordination and stability of the legs.

SKU 80913 Category

Product made from pickled tube and sheet metal. Zinc bath treatment.
Final finish with primer and baked polyester paint. The mechanism
consists of a zinc-plated axle, self-lubricating bearings and an exclusive braking system.
exclusive braking system. All this gives it a special quality for use outdoors and in public spaces.
outdoors and public spaces.
Dimensions: 200x380x388 mm. Movement area: 1500 mm around the seat and
of the seat and the Cyclopedal. Approximate weight: 4 kg.
Immediate braking to prevent accidents or injury to the user or third parties.
Strengthening of cardiac and pulmonary function. Develops leg and hip muscles.
of legs and hips. Improves flexibility, coordination and stability of the lower limbs.
lower limbs.
Instructions for use:
Sitting with your back against the backrest
back against the backrest, the pedalling
pedalling movement.

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